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UPDATE | MAR 1O, 2021


Standby for updates on more recipients from the second and final phase as well as the L4L donation to non-profit, Code Tenderloin.

- Laptops for Learning Team [3/10/21, 3:52PT]

UPDATE | FEB 23, 2021


So far, L4L has purchased 7 brand new laptops for 7 people during our first phase. We project a total of 14-15 once the second phase of candidates are finalized in the coming weeks.


Standby for updates on more recipients from the final phase as well as the L4L donation to non-profit, Code Tenderloin.

- Laptops for Learning Team [2/23/21]



UPDATE | JAN 21, 2021

THANK YOU!!! We have more than exceeded our goal thanks to all of you so, we have CLOSED DONATIONS on GoFundMe and on CASHAPP! This means, we are not accepting any further monetary donations as of today.


We will be updating you all within the next 30 days (or less) about everything we're doing! Thank you again and stand by

- Laptops for Learning Team [1/27/21, 10:42AM PT]



After an overwhelming response to an online laptop giveaway targeting young Black teens/ adults; a team of amazing Black women decided helping one person wasn’t enough.
With over 100 stories from people lacking basic tools to navigate school and work remotely. From families of 5 sharing one laptop; to children, stuck completing assignments from cell phones because there is no laptop in the household at all; with the help of some friends, we’ve taken a grassroots approach and successfully raised $10K+ to provide new laptops to some of the respondents in their pursuit of remote work or education. As well as donate to our selected non-profit, Code Tenderloin.


You can Apply Here to be considered to receive a new laptop.

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12pm pst | 3pm est

Benefit CH Concert

+ Fundraiser

“Black students are consistently more likely to face remote learning challenges..."

                           - The Urban Institute (June 2020)


  • Bring Awareness to the uninformed.


  • Provide Laptops to 10+ Black teens/ young adults in need immediately.


  • Support Black led non-profit who that supplies laptops continuously.


  • Raise $10K+


Non-Profit We're Supporting

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